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Most PCs—whether you buy or build them—have at least one unused drive bay. Why not make use of them?

大多数PC(无论是购买还是制造)都至少有一个未使用的驱动器托架。 为什么不利用它们?

Despite the fact that I’ve had a DVD-RW drive in my PC since I built it, I can’t recall a single time that I used it to read a disc. Now that the bulk of computer games, software, and even operating systems themselves have transitioned to download services, the optical drive is something of a niche, like the floppy drive before it. But since most mid- to large-size enclosures still offer at least one 5.25-inch drive bay, you might as well make use of it. Here are some interesting options for system builders out to maximize their space usage.

尽管自从我在PC上安装了DVD-RW驱动器以来,我都无法回忆起曾经用它来读取光盘。 现在,大量的计算机游戏,软件甚至操作系统本身都已转变为下载服务,光盘驱动器已成为一个利基市场,就像之前的软盘驱动器一样。 但是,由于大多数中型和大型机箱仍然提供至少一个5.25英寸驱动器托架,因此您不妨使用它。 这是系统构建者可以最大限度地利用其空间的一些有趣选项。

用存储驱动器填充它 (Fill It Up With Storage Drives)

Maybe you don’t need instant access to CDs, DVDs, or Blu-ray discs, but there’s no such thing as too much local storage. Various brackets are available to add extra 3.5-inch and 2.5-inch mounts in place of a 5.25-inch bay, accommodating both full-sized hard drives and svelte laptop drives and solid state storage. Since all the connections are still internal, these adapters tend to be pretty cheap, and they make surprisingly good use of space, as well. into the space of a single CD drive. This is a good option for a smaller case that offers a disc drive bay but only one or two hard drive mounts.

也许您不需要即时访问CD,DVD或Blu-ray光盘,但是没有太多本地存储这样的事情。 可使用各种支架来增加额外的3.5英寸和2.5英寸安装架,以代替5.25英寸托架,以容纳全尺寸硬盘驱动器,轻薄的笔记本电脑驱动器和固态存储。 由于所有连接仍然是内部连接,因此这些适配器往往非常便宜,并且它们还很好地利用了空间。 装入单个CD驱动器的空间。 对于提供磁盘驱动器托架但只能安装一个或两个硬盘驱动器的较小机箱,这是一个不错的选择。

添加热交换存储托架 (Add a Hot Swap Storage Bay)

A slightly fancier alternative is , which allows you to insert and remove a SATA-based hard drive almost it was a removable drive. This kind of bay used to be popular when full-power desktops were the exclusive domain of engineers and sysadmins, but anyone with a lot of digital files to manage could probably find a use for it. It’s especially handy for things like fast offsite backups or moving big video production files from one computer to the other, ideally paired with similar hot swap bays or external adapters on other PCs. Some designs even offer a key lock mechanism for a little extra physical security—just make sure your PC enclosure itself is inaccessible too.

一个更简单的选择是 ,它使您可以插入和卸下基于SATA的硬盘驱动器,几乎就像是可移动驱动器一样。 当全功能台式机是工程师和系统管理员的专属领域时,这种托架曾经很流行,但是任何需要管理大量数字文件的人都可以找到它的用处。 对于快速的异地备份或将大型视频制作文件从一台计算机移动到另一台计算机,以及与其他PC上的类似热插拔托架或外部适配器配对使用,它尤其方便。 某些设计甚至提供了一种密钥锁定机制,以提供一点额外的物理安全性-只需确保您的PC机箱本身也无法访问即可。

扩展您的USB端口和读卡器 (Expand Your USB Ports and Card Readers)

One of the most popular and practical alternatives for a 5.25-inch bay is to replace it with an array of USB ports and storage card readers. These ports plug directly into the motherboard for some permanent convenience. Most of the all-in-one solutions in this niche include multiple USB ports and several card slots. Some new designs add fancy extras like Firewire, eSATA, . If you’d like to combine this kind of functionality with more internal drive options in a mid-tower or full tower, a lot of similar designs can be had in the now completely outdated 3.5 floppy drive size, too.

5.25英寸托架最流行和实用的替代方案之一是用一系列USB端口和存储卡读取器代替它。 这些端口可直接插入主板,以提供一些永久性的便利。 此细分市场中的大多数多合一解决方案包括多个USB端口和多个卡插槽。 一些新设计增加了花哨的功能,例如Firewire,eSATA 。 如果您想在中塔式或全塔式系统中将这种功能与更多内部驱动器选项结合起来,那么现在完全过时的3.5软盘驱动器大小中也可以采用许多类似的设计。

添加风扇控制器 (Add a Fan Controller)

Modern gaming PC builds are filled to the brim with cooling fans and radiators, and not all of them are easily adjusted with switches or software. So why not use that 5.25-inch bay to take direct control of your fancy cooling setup? Spare drive bays are a favorite mounting point for . Some of them are getting especially fancy these days, with programmable settings and touchscreens.

现代游戏PC的构造充满了冷却风扇和散热器,并不是所有的开关和软件都可以轻松调节它们。 那么,为什么不使用该5.25英寸托架直接控制您的高档散热设置呢? 备用驱动器托架是最喜欢的安装点。 如今,其中一些具有可编程设置和触摸屏的功能变得格外有趣。

用作水冷库 (Use It as a Watercooling Reservoir)

Watercooling your CPU and GPU is all the rage, but the biggest, fanciest setups need a dedicated reservoir to store all that coolant. These reservoirs take up a lot of space inside a PC (or occasionally even outside it), so why not use the space you already have? Watercooling reservoirs are available , offering both some much-needed functionality and a unique style element, since they’re visible from the outside of the PC without using any case windows. Some models even include a pump mechanism.

对CPU和GPU进行水冷式冷却是最普遍的方法,但是最大,最先进的设置需要专用的储存器来储存所有冷却液。 这些储存器占用了PC内(或者有时甚至是PC外面)的大量空间,那么为什么不使用已有的空间呢? 水冷储存器有 ,提供了一些急需的功能和独特的样式元素,因为它们可以从PC外部看到,而无需使用任何机箱窗口。 有些型号甚至包括泵机构。

将其转换为文字存储驱动器 (Turn It Into a Literal Storage Drive)

Okay, so this is a little ridiculous, but you could always just turn that unused bay into that hold spare screws, power cables, monitor adapters, keycaps, paperclips, and other detritus of the modern desk. There’s a surprising variety of these knickknack storage shelves available, but they all do basically the same thing.

好的,这有点荒谬,但是您始终可以将未使用的托架变成 ,里面备用螺丝,电源线,显示器适配器,键帽,回形针和其他现代书桌上的碎屑。 这些小巧的存储架种类繁多,但它们基本上都是相同的。

添加杯架 (Add a Cup Holder)

No, seriously, a cup holder. Thermaltake, an otherwise reputable PC accessory vendor, made a 5.25-inch cup holder adapter.  (much to the dismay of ), and even if you could track one down, keeping an open can or glass so close to your custom-built hot rod PC seems like a really bad idea. An even worse idea would be utilizing the built-in cigarette lighter, which in addition to wrecking your lungs would also add some smoke damage to your precious PC’s internal components.

不,认真的说,杯架。 Thermaltake是一家知名的PC配件供应商,它制造了5.25英寸的杯架适配器。 ( 大失所望),即使您可以找到它,也要保持一个敞开的罐子或玻璃与定制的热棒PC如此接近。一个非常糟糕的主意。 甚至更糟的想法是利用内置的点烟器,该点烟器不仅会使肺部受损,还会给您宝贵的PC内部组件带来更多的烟雾损害。

But you have to admit: you’d probably use a cup holder much more often than you use a a DVD drive.





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